Post by saethram on Jan 24, 2014 3:15:16 GMT
Hello, Writing from SLC, UT where I am currently studying QUR'AN as K.G. stated in the interview from Outer Gateways (on the web). Don't have too much interest much in expanding what I already know about the Typhonian Trilogies, will be buying the reissues, kinda pissed off about some of the BULLSHIT!!!
Hails! David
Post by Frater Shaddad on Jan 24, 2014 4:58:38 GMT
currently studying the QUR'AN as K.G. statedin the interview from Outer Gateways (on the web) Uh,what? Don't have too much interest in expanding what I already know about the Typhonian Trilogies, will be buying the reissues, kinda pissed off about some of the BULLSHIT!!! What "BULLSHIT", in particular, pisses you off so much that it inspired this strange Introduction post of yours? Why exactly are you here (and "buying the re-issues", for that matter? Though, I'm sure your patronage will be appreciated!) if you "don't have too much interest in expanding what you already know about the Typhonian Trilogies"? At any rate, enjoy your studies of the QUR'AN in Mormon Land, and welcome to the Boards!
Post by saethram on Jan 24, 2014 15:50:45 GMT
Greetings Frater Shaddad,
I'm upset regarding being stolen from, that's all... I had a very good friend who sold me an antique chair and some books that a 'friend' stole such as the autohagiography of aliester crowley, the mystical qabalah of dion fortune, the white goddess by robert graves.... and the first Austine Osman Spare book.
Yeah, qur'an is great. I don't know exactly what,usually i like to study it with CDs from Dar Makkah alone... or go to the mosque!
Post by Nalyd Khezr Bey on Jan 25, 2014 0:41:26 GMT
Is THIS the interview with KG you're referring to?
Post by saethram on Jan 25, 2014 1:04:26 GMT
Actually, yes that is the interview. I find it very interested to reread that as I had prior thought that it was Ken promoting Qur'an.. hahaha. I usually stick with AL-BAQARA meaning the Cow, like the Maid and the Family chapters.... don't like extreme islam at all.... as it is not consistant with Judeo-Christianity necessarily. By the light of Christ we are saved. Women in the west are treated differently than those of the east. i think the most important thing is tuning into the Ibraheem current, currently. The great rebel of Aegypt was Moses.