Post by Sathor on Jan 18, 2014 14:02:24 GMT
First of all my compliments for this forum which was suggested to me by an English friend of mine I'm Sathor and I am an artist in music and painting in this world of appearances. I think and hope it will eventually be possible to exchange views on the significance of the K.G. studies of the Typhonian current and I hope any Exchange of experiences and practices. I follow even the thought of Peter J Carroll and I was wondering your opinion on how his ideas and theories are valid and help even more to pursue our path beyond the "veil." I hope to limit in the most reasonable way possible my "ego" through this forum and to discuss with people that aim for the same purpose and knowledge and most of all liberation. A cordial greeting to all
Post by Michael Staley on Jan 18, 2014 14:29:19 GMT
Welcome to the forums, Sathor. I haven't read a great deal of Pete Carroll's work, but I'm sure it's valid. There is a wonderful diversity of traditions and modes of working, and they are valid within their own terms. Whether they are valid for us is something we find out only through trial and error, if we feel sufficiently drawn to a specific tradition or mode.
Post by Sathor on Jan 18, 2014 14:31:20 GMT
Thanks a lot Michael